Meta Robots Tag: Noindex, Nofollow, Noarchive, Noodp & Noydir

Meta robots tag controls spiders from crawling and indexing your webpage or post. In this post, we will see all types of tags in detail. We can use more than one meta tags in a webpage but its not a good practice because it can cause conflicts. Hence it should occur only once in a webpage.

Default Meta Robots Tag

If you don’t specify any meta tag in a webpage then by default spider will crawl and index your webpage. you can say that it considers below meta tag by default.

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow"" />

<meta name="robots" content="none">

Meta robots noindex

It prevents page from being indexed. It means if you specify below meta tag for a page then that page would not come up in search results. For example: you wouldn’t want your author pages to come up in search results so to prevent it you can use below Meta robots tag in author pages.

<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />

Meta Robots Nofollow

This meta tag prevents spiders to follow any link on the page. If you are a newbie then it may be confusing to you. Let me explain you in detail. Whenever spider( Google bot) finds a link (internal or external) on a page, it lands on that webpage for crawling and indexing, to enforce spider for not following any link on the page, we can use this tag. To understand it better you can refer my post Dofollow vs nofollow.

<meta name="robots" content="nofollow" />

Meta Robots Noarchive

You must have seen in search results that whenever you hover on any result it will show a snapshot of that page at the right side of the Google search (see the below sreenshot!!). That we call a cached copy of the webpage. To prevent a page from being cached we can specify below tag.

<meta name="robots" content="noarchive" />

Meta Robots Noodp

Prevents Search engine (Google, Yahoo and MSN)  to display its own description taken from its directory, instead of you meta description. Using below tag would ensure that Search engine would display your meta description below search results and it would be useful to improve your CTR.

<meta name="robots" content="noodp " />

Meta Robots Noydir

It is same as above NOODP tag, the only difference is that it would be applicable for Yahoo only.

<meta name="robots" content="noydir" />

Best Practice to use noodp and noydir:  You can use the below tag for all of your webpages-

<meta name="robots" content="noodp, noydir" />

OR (above tag and below two tags- both are same)

<meta name="robots" content="noodp " />

<meta name="robots" content="noydir" />

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